Offering Shimmerlys at your salon provides
large income possibilities for you.
These are only suggested prices:
When putting in just a few, the price is $4 a knot
Or offer 10 for $30
(that seems to be the average)
Of course, the pricing is up to you.
Initially, you’ll put them in for friends
while you get practice in attaching Shimmerlys.
Send them out into the world
(with your business card of course)
and watch the new clientele come in.
50 strands in a pack
50 x $4 = $200
or even
50 x $3 = $150
and the pack cost $10
Not a bad profit.
For more information: Please give me a call
Lucy Galbraith
530-913-5563 cell
or send me an email and mention Shimmerlys in the subject line
If you are within a couple of hours driving distance of Sacramento,
I would be happy to come to your salon for a demonstration.
You can see all the colors,
Play with and practice tying Shimmerlys.
It’s fun!